From: Robert HO
Date: Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 12:49 PM
Subject: Desperately need lawyer to make history
To:,, ""
Legal Aid Bureau
45 Maxwell Road, #08-12
The URA Centre, East Wing, Singapore 069118
Tel: (65) 1800 325 1424 (toll-free); Fax: (65) 63251402
Law Society Secretariat
39 South Bridge Road, Singapore 058673
Tel: 6538 2500 (General Enquiries)
Fax: 6533 5700
Dear Sirs,
1. I need a lawyer desperately to sue some British parties. Please read details on my website. However, since there is probably no lawyer in Singapore or indeed almost anywhere, who may have the fortitude to withstand political pressures, my lawyer must work on the basis I have outlined in my many emails to British law firms.
2. I promise a case on which a great legal reputation will be made and which, if won -- or the other party/ies backs down and settles out of court, a rich sum which my lawyer will pocket in its entirety, since I will not take a cent.
3. Please ask around, or better still, forward this my email to lawyers who may want to take my case. I need urgent action. I have already sworn an Affidavit yesterday, 16 July 2010, details of which are on my website.
4. At this stage of my 17-year long saga, it is futile for the various powers that be, to try to suppress the truths. It is like trying to contain fire by wrapping it with paper. If nothing else, I promise my lawyer a great case, on which a great legal reputation can be built, that will reverberate through legal history, possibly even ending in a best-seller book and even movie rights.
Robert HO
28 Bukit Batok Street 52
#20-03 Guilin View
Singapore 659248
Tel: 68989553
CellPhone: 90127417
From: Robert HO
Date: Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 11:49 AM
Subject: Several years' jail for false Affidavit
Cc:,,,, ""
The Crown Prosecution Service
Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge,
London, SE1 9HS
Tel: 020 3357 0000
From: Robert HO
28 Bukit Batok Street 52
#20-03 Guilin View
Singapore 659248
Tel: +6568989553
CellPhone: +6590127417
Dear Sirs,
1. I would like to draw your attention to my very serious allegations of civil and criminal misconduct on the part of several British entities, including possibly the august office 10 Downing Street for:
"Obstructing, preventing, perverting or defeating course of justice" -- [204A. "Whoever intentionally obstructs, prevents, perverts or defeats the course of justice shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 7 years, or with fine, or with both."
The above are taken from these Statures of the Attorney-General Chambers of Singapore:
2. From these same Statutes, I fully understand that the penalties for swearing a false affidavit include several years' jail and hence very serious:
"Punishment for false evidence.
193. Whoever intentionally gives false evidence in any stage of a judicial proceeding, or fabricates false evidence for the purpose of being used in any stage of a judicial proceeding, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 7 years, and shall also be liable to fine; and whoever intentionally gives or fabricates false evidence in any other case, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 3 years, and shall also be liable to fine."
3. I have now sworn an affidavit pursuant to suing various parties in a Singapore court and will seek legal advice. I have placed all these documents online on my webpage:
b. EXHIBIT: This post is now Exhibit for Affidavit 16.07.2010: US UK SG govts falsified my son's exam grades again
4. The world is pretty clear now, if they ever doubted, the quality of the British justice system.